

Plastic Health Umbrella Review

A world leading study that provides the most robust evidence yet that human health is seriously harmed by plastics, across the entire human life cycle.

Elaborating on the options of the draft plastics instrument to manage chemicals and polymers of concern

University of Wollongong, Australia.

The Polymer Premium: A Fee on Plastic Pollution

Closing the financing gap for implementing an ambitious global plastics treaty.

Buy Now Pay Later

A review on hazards to human and planetary health from plastics production, use and waste.

The Minderoo-Monaco Commission on Plastics And Human Health

Examining plastic’s impact on people and planet at every stage of its life cycle.

Plastic Health Map

A world-first open-access database that maps research on plastic chemical exposure and human health impacts, providing policy, governance and scientific insights.

Blueprint for the design, construction, and validation of a plastic and phthalate-minimised laboratory

Design, testing and build of a plastics and additive chemicals minimised laboratory.

The Plastic Pollution Fee: Design Study

Examining how a fee can support the objectives and implementation of the legally binding instrument to end plastic pollution.
Natural Ecosystems

Mislabelling restricts consumer choices for sustainable seafood

A landmark national study to determine the scale of seafood mislabelling in Australia has found more than one in 10 seafood products tested did not match the label.
Climate Change

Lethal Humidity Global Council

Bringing together leading global experts to exchange the latest scientific research, formulate rapid, large-scale policy solutions and advocacy that address the threats of lethal humidity and heat.
Gender Equality

Global Slavery Index 2023

An estimated 50 million people are living in modern slavery. This edition of the Index highlights how fragile hard-won human rights still are throughout the world, and how in times of crisis — be it the COVID-19 pandemic, the growing climate crisis, or ongoing armed conflict — it is the world’s most vulnerable people who are hit hardest and fastest.

Plastic Waste Makers Index 2023

Download the full PDF of the Plastic Waste Makers Index 2023.

Basis of Preparation – Plastic Waste Makers Index 2021

Download this document outlining the steps taken to complete each analysis.

Basis of Preparation – Plastic Waste Makers Index 2023

Download this document outlining the steps taken to complete each analysis.

KPMG Independent Limited Assurance – Plastic Waste Makers Index 2023

Download the Independent Limited Assurance report prepared by KPMG Australia.
Impact Missions

Woort Koorliny: Australian Indigenous Employment Index 2022

The 2022 Indigenous Employment Index is an Australian-first assessment of Indigenous workplace representation, practices, and employee experiences.
Impact Missions

Employees Interview Questions – Indigenous Employment Index

List of interview questions asked of participating employees.

The Price of Plastic Pollution

Exploring the social costs and corporate liabilities of plastic pollution.
Natural Ecosystems

Technical Methods – Global Fishing Index 2021

The Technical Methods outlines the methods used to produce the 2021 Global Fishing Index, including data collection and analyses, treatment of missing data, scoring and internal and external quality assurance.
Impact Missions

Line Managers Interview Questions – Indigenous Employment Index

List of interview questions asked of participating line managers.
Impact Missions

Distress Protocol – Indigenous Employment Index

Protocol for interviewer’s responses to emotional distress expressed by interviewees during interview.
Impact Missions

Executive Interview Questions – Indigenous Employment Index

List of interview questions asked of participating executives.
Impact Missions

Focus Group Guide – Indigenous Employment Index

Guide for interviewers in conducting the focus groups.
Impact Missions

Questionnaire – Indigenous Employment Index

List of Indigenous Employment Index employer questions.
Natural Ecosystems

The Global Fishing Index 2021: Assessing the sustainability of the world’s marine fisheries

The 2021 Global Fishing Index is a world-first assessment of the governance and sustainability of fisheries in 142 coastal states. The Index uncovers critical gaps leading to overfishing and calls on governments and businesses to declare their intent and demonstrate action to reverse fisheries decline.
Natural Ecosystems

Governance Conceptual Framework – Global Fishing Index 2021

The Governance Conceptual Framework outlines the two-level hierarchical framework used to assess governance capacity in the 2021 Global Fishing Index.
Natural Ecosystems

Governance Indicator Codebook – Global Fishing Index 2021

The Governance Indicator Codebook outlines the purpose of each of the 72 indicators used to inform the 2021 Global Fishing Index governance assessments, along with the data sources and scoring process for each indicator.

Plastic Waste Makers Index 2021: Revealing the source of the single-use plastics crisis

Download the full PDF of the Plastic Waste Makers Index 2021.

KPMG Independent Limited Assurance – Plastic Waste Makers Index 2021

Download the Independent Limited Assurance report prepared by KPMG Australia.