Impact Missions

Media release

Minderoo boosts funding to Gaza partners delivering meals to starving families

Minderoo Foundation is boosting its funding commitment for urgent humanitarian aid in Gaza to almost US$28 million (more than AUD$40 million) with a focus on partners delivering meals to those on the brink of famine.

Dr Andrew Forrest AO and Nicola Forrest AO today announced the Australian foundation would provide US$5 million to support World Central Kitchen’s work in Gaza, funding more than 1.5 million meals.

An additional US$5 million will also be provided by Minderoo Foundation to the UN World Food Programme (WFP), which is providing food assistance in Gaza.

Since October 2023, Minderoo’s financial support has helped deliver safe water, sanitation, medical supplies, medical consultations and food aid for tens of thousands of people in Gaza.

Dr Forrest encouraged more philanthropic and private sector support for the innocent families and children in Gaza who are at risk of starvation.

“Minderoo Foundation will not sit on its hands while children starve to death,” Dr Forrest said. “We are one of few philanthropies in Australia giving to the humanitarian needs in Gaza. We want to see the philanthropic and private sector respond more strongly to the humanitarian needs in Gaza.”

Nicola Forrest said the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Gaza demanded swift action, with Minderoo’s support going to partners that can quickly deliver aid where it’s most needed.

“It is heartbreaking to see the suffering of civilians in Gaza, especially children, who suffer disproportionately as innocent victims of conflict,” she said. “The work being done by World Central Kitchen and WFP is making an immediate difference to the most vulnerable in Gaza, and Minderoo is committed to supporting and empowering those on the ground making an impact.”

Since last October, World Central Kitchen teams have provided almost 70 million meals by land, air, and sea to Palestinians in need.

World Central Kitchen has established four field kitchens, built a network of more than 150 community kitchens, opened a maritime corridor, and participated in air drops since the conflict started.

“This partnership with Minderoo Foundation will help fuel our efforts to operate with the entrepreneurial spirit and flexibility that has been at the forefront of our work,” Tunde Wackman, Chief Development Officer at World Central Kitchen, said.

WFP’s role as the lead UN agency in the delivery of vital food assistance and coordination of humanitarian logistics has been critical since the onset of the Gaza crisis.

The agency’s operations in Gaza include delivering food parcels to families in shelters, the provision of hot meals, direct support to bakeries, and specialised nutritional products for mothers and children.

“We are grateful for Minderoo Foundation’s dedication to WFP’s mission through our ongoing collaboration,” Antoine Renard, WFP’s Country Director in Palestine, said.

“We deeply appreciate the support earlier this year, which greatly bolstered WFP’s efforts in Ukraine by aiding communities and farmers in the war-stricken region to rebuild their lives. Now the (Minderoo) Foundation is helping WFP to provide critical humanitarian assistance in Gaza, allowing WFP to help the most vulnerable families access food and essential staples such as bread bundles processed through bakeries in Gaza.”

Dr Forrest said Minderoo valued the commitment shown by World Central Kitchen and WFP to working with local communities.

“They are single-minded in their focus of feeding people. We admire their innovation, courage and determination,” Dr Forrest said.

“Like Minderoo, World Central Kitchen and WFP are not afraid to do what it takes to get the job done and this has resulted in them providing so many meals to the people of Gaza.

“The humanitarian needs are huge and will continue once there is a ceasefire. But we need an immediate and permanent ceasefire.”

Humanitarian Aid
Impact Missions

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